Timely contact is the pre-requisite for optimal planning and success.

Our success is based on many features: long-term experience on a European scale, close co-operation with leading institutes and scientists, as well as worldwide contacts and exchange of ideas and know-how at numerous international workshops and the like. We offer the following services:

Fish breeding
Wage-earning breeding and the production of sensitive and difficult-to-breed fish species: when requested, we take all the most important parameters into consideration such as origin or genetic variability. As we carry out our breeding activities in various breeding plants, we are invariably able to provide the entire spectrum of native freshwater fish species.

Watercourse husbandry
Advice on queries relating to watercourse husbandry. Provision of ecologically and economically sound stocking plans. Advice and supervision during resettlement projects for various fish species, as well as delivery of high quality freshwater fish.

Know-how transfer
For many years now we have been actively employed in breeding parent fish, artificial insemination and spawn husbandry. We can draw on a great deal of experience with Salmo and Cyprinidae species

Principal features... ...and your benefits
+ practice-oriented
+ many years experience
+ qualified team
+ worldwide contacts

+ sound results
+ target-oriented solutions
+ competent partners
+ additional information